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About the Business Council of Toronto

Building a stronger future – together.
A sun setting on Toronto's waterfront.

Drawing on best practices, the Board established the BCT with a central goal of closing our productivity gap to enhance livability and prosperity for all Ontarians

The Business Council of Toronto goes beyond the traditional industry association model to stand-up demonstration projects and advocacy focused on building our productive capacity to make our region a more desirable and prosperous place to live and do business.

We're bringing together the "leaders of leaders" from influential companies throughout our region to collaborate and influence decision makers to drive real change for our future and close our productivity gap.

Left unchecked, this productivity gap – this prosperity gap – will only continue to widen. That’s why we’re taking action. Through the work of the BCT, we are initiating a new approach to carving out our region’s future.

Each of our three partnership councils has a bold agenda focused on a specific challenge and opportunity related to our productivity gap. Each will drive advocacy and demonstration projects to provide pragmatic, evidence-based solutions for policy makers and government.

It’s time for business to take the lead to create practical solutions for getting our region back on track.

Let’s get to work.

Learn more about the BCT