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The Business Council of Toronto

It's time.
A greyscale photo of Toronto with a blue designed element on the right-hand side.


The Business Council of Toronto (BCT) is comprised of an executive table and three for-purpose partnership councils convened for one purpose: harnessing the expertise of our members to develop innovative solutions and advocacy to enhance our prosperity and make life better for everyone who calls the Toronto region home. 

This is not just another industry association. Through the work of the BCT, we will take action through bold demonstration projects to transform our region’s ability to compete globally and enhance our standard of living for generations to come. 

The Productivity Gap

The Toronto region is falling behind. In terms of productivity – GDP per worker – we trail the US average by nearly $72,000 per worker. And that gap is widening.

To close this growing chasm and build not only our productivity, but our prosperity, we must aim for a GDP growth of 3.4%, a daunting but necessary leap from our current trajectory.

This is our call to action to make our region a thriving and competitive place to do business while enabling social and economic prosperity for all.

60,000 Torontonians left the city last year for more affordable communities.

Our Approach

Our research revealed a key differentiating factor in how other competing metros have advanced productivity and competitiveness: the role of business. 

We are standing up high-impact demonstration projects through our three partnership councils to provide data-driven and evidence-based recommendations on unlocking our economic and productive potential.