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Creating a Winning Business Plan for the New Year

Watch expert speakers who have extensive experience working with small businesses provide their top tips and advice for how small companies can set up their business for a successful year.

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Whether you’re just coming out of your business’s financial year-end, or are just about to head into it, it’s a great time to sit down and make a winning business plan that will guide you through the new year. However, business planning is easier said than done – and, if the past two years have taught us anything, it’s that even the best-laid plans can be challenged by unforeseen circumstances.

Watch expert speakers who have extensive experience working with small businesses provide their top tips and advice for how small companies can set up their business for a successful year, including:

  • Why business planning is critical to your company’s growth
  • Common planning pitfalls to avoid
  • How to stay accountable to your plan and what to do when your plan is disrupted